Web Servers, Auth, Passwords and Security



software design approaches and patterns, to identify reusable solutions to commonly occurring problems

The reading in this module goes through patterns for solving common security problems.


organisational policies and procedures relating to the tasks being undertaken, and when to follow them, e.g. the storage and treatment of GDPR sensitive data

Standard procedures to ensure that security is being considered in various situations are discussed, including how GDPR relates to logging.


conduct a range of test types, such as Integration, System, User Acceptance, Non-Functional, Performance and Security testing

In the exercises for this module, the learners are conducting security testing; in particular the XSS game is a form of penetration testing.


interpret and implement a given design whist remaining compliant with security and maintainability requirements

The exercise in this module involves practical application of security-focused web development and the maintainability of learner code is a consideration of the trainer throughout the course.


acts with integrity with respect to ethical, legal and regulatory ensuring the protection of personal data, safety and security

This module highlights the importance of these issues, and the group discussion will encourage further engagement.