
DuckDuckGoose is a little social media site with a bunch of branches with features ready for the learners to merge in. Some of them will produce pretty gnarly conflicts!



How teams work effectively to produce software and how to contribute appropriately

This scenario for this exercise is that a team of developers have been working on different branches of a single codebase.


Organisational policies and procedures relating to the tasks being undertaken, and when to follow them

The policies and procedures involved in source code management, continuous integration and continuous delivery are explored and followed.


Apply structured techniques to problem solving, debug code and understand the structure of programmes in order to identify and resolve issues

The learner must clearly understand the structure of the code on the branches being merged in order to resolve the conflicts.


Build, manage and deploy code into the relevant environment

The learner sets up a continuous integration pipeline.


Follow software designs and functional or technical specifications

There is a substantial amount of functionality that the learner must succesfully merge, problem-fix and enhance based on the specifications given.


Follow company, team or client approaches to continuous integration, version and source control

Version and source control are covered in depth in theory and practice, and the learner is guided in how to setup continuous integration in a specific way.


Applies logical thinking. For example, uses clear and valid reasoning when making decisions related to undertaking work instructions

Resolving the issues with branch merging, which become progressively more complex, requires clear logical thinking.