
Bookish is the final code-only exercise of the bootcamp. It has the learners create a web app to manage a library. It introduces them to:

  • The MVC model for web apps (Model-View-Controller)
  • Databases
  • Frontend



software design approaches and patterns, to identify reusable solutions to commonly occurring problems

As in FizzBuzz, there will be patterns in use here. Make sure the trainer mentions them and encourages the learners to consider the situations that lead to their use.


principles and uses of relational and non-relational databases

They learn to use databases here in a practical way, and are introduced to the relational concepts they need. The ongoing training will address the theory and use in more detail.


create logical and maintainable code

The trainer needs to encourage them to write it nicely. The more maintainable their code, the easier the learners will find adding the later features.


develop effective user interfaces

The learners are guided to make a UI using HTML constructs.


link code to data sets

The learners are linking their code to a database in this exercise.


apply structured techniques to problem solving, debug code and understand the structure of programmes in order to identify and resolve issues

This is a large exercise in which the application is progressively built up, which will require methodical problem solving and debugging their own code.