Software Development Lifecycle



all stages of the software development life-cycle (what each stage contains, including the inputs and outputs)

Covered in the module reading and explored in the exercise.


roles and responsibilities within the software development lifecycle (who is responsible for what)

Covered in the module reading, with some role playing in the exercise.


the roles and responsibilities of the project life-cycle within your organisation, and your role

Covered in the module reading.


how best to communicate using the different communication methods and how to adapt appropriately to different audiences

The content includes a topic on communication methods and principles, and the half-day workshop includes a question to encourage discussion on this.


the similarities and differences between different software development methodologies, such as agile and waterfall

Covered in the module reading.


organisational policies and procedures relating to the tasks being undertaken, and when to follow them. For example the storage and treatment of GDPR sensitive data.

Covered in the module reading in a number of areas including GDPR, password policy and accessibility guidelines.


software designs and functional or technical specifications

Covered in the module reading and the exercise.


develop effective user interfaces

The exercise involves producing user personas, user journeys and wirefranmes.


follow company, team or client approaches to continuous integration, version and source control

Secure development policies addressed in the module reading.


Works collaboratively with a wide range of people in different roles, internally and externally, with a positive attitude to inclusion & diversity

The exercise involves a level of teamwork.