Technical Prerequisites

This document covers the technical prerequisites that learners need before beginning the JavaScript Software Developer Apprenticeship bootcamp.

Each learner should have an development machine for their exclusive use running Windows 10 or later, with WSL2 installed, and an internet connection. WSL2 is required for the Infrastructure and Deployment module.

The following applications should be installed:

  • nvm – you should use this to install Node (version 18) with nvm use 18
  • VSCode – this is the Integrated Development Environment for which the exercise content was written, and the following VSCode extension should be installed. From this point when VSCode is mentioned, it is assumed that this extension is installed.
  • A Git client application, such as Git Bash or GitKraken

The learner should also have an individual GitHub account into which they can fork the sample code repositories or create their own.

Programs used in specific exercises

The learner notes for each bootcamp exercise (and each module in the ongoing training) includes a Programs used list, which lists the main programs that are needed for that exercise. This is not a list of prerequisites; the installation of any programs that are not in the list above will be addressed as part of the exercise.

In some cases there are explicit steps for the learner to follow (for example, to install PostgreSQL), while other times dependencies are tagged in the exercise code repository (in a package.json file) and so are installed during the build phase.

Note that in the case of project dependencies being defined in the code repository, only core dependencies whose documentation is useful for the learner will be listed in the Programs used.